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Release of eagles at Mount Sawal

Two individuals of the Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela) were released into the Mount Sawal Wildlife Reserve as part of the Raport Release Program.
21 Aug 2024

Release through collaboration

This release is the result of collaboration between Yayasan Cikananga Konservasi Terpadu (YCKT), the BKSDA Region III Ciamis – BBKSDA Jawa Barat, and the community of Sukamaju Village, Cihaurbeuti District.The two released Crested Serpent-eagle, Maxi (female) and Toleng (male), underwent intensive rehabilitation at the Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Center in Sukabumi for several years. Maxi and Toleng were previously voluntarily handover by residents from Bogor and Cianjur to the BKSDA of Region I Bogor, before being entrusted for rehabilitation at the Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Center. This rehabilitation process included various stages, such as health checks, care, and hunting skills training to prepare them for rewilding.

This release is part of ongoing efforts to conserve the Crested Serpent-eagle population in the wild and maintain the ecological balance in Mount Sawal Wildlife Reserve. The success of this release is due to the support of various parties, including the local community who actively contribute to protecting the forest area from various threats.

With this release, it is hoped that wildlife conservation efforts will continue to receive attention and support from various stakeholders, both locally and nationally. YCKT and the Region III Ciamis, BBKSDA Jawa Barat are committed to continuing conservation programs to protect Indonesia's biodiversity.