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Cikananga Sustainability Farming Program

Welcome to the Program Pertanian Berkelanjutan Cikananga (PPBC): Cikananga Sustainability Farming Program. Empowering regenerative agriculture locally to create a sustainable world for future generations and provide an significant portion of healthy food for the animals at Cikananga.
A farm

Sustainability Farming at Cikananga

The program is dedicated to supplying sustainable (organic) grown fruit & vegetables for the animals at Cikananga, providing them a healthy and nutritious diet. Additionally, we aim to become a leader in agroecological education within the region, providing educational opportunities to both local and international participants through our on-site demonstration farms and educational courses.

It was a long cherished dream of Cikananga and Wanicare to start its own organic farm to grow healthy food for the animals in the center. The Cikananga Sustainability Farming Program (PPBC) was founded by Scott Hartle in 2020 and embodies a holistic and multifaceted approach to regenerative agriculture. Scott is a conservation biologist, with proven experience in research development, project management and field research. To date, most of his experience relates to biodiversity in human-modified landscapes. He is devoted to understanding the impact of human-modified landscapes on biodiversity but also the role they play in conservation. His primary focus areas include multifunctional land management, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation.

Scott Hartle; “I am adamant that we can develop and foster land-use practices that provide communities with sustainable livelihoods, whilst conserving local and regional biodiversity”.

Our mission is to produce 5,000kg of sustainably grown produce annually, directly benefiting the diverse animals at the center. This ambitious goal drives our daily efforts and guides our long-term planning, underscoring our dedication to environmental health and resilience. In parallel, we strive to be a regional beacon of agroecological education. By offering comprehensive programs that cover the scope of sustainable farming practices, we open doors for local and international participants to explore, learn, and contribute to the regenerative agriculture movement.

The main areas of focus form a multiphase approach, involving an on-site composting facility, food production areas, agroforestry fruit production area, and an irrigation improvement program.

Food production and Agroforestry area

In total, the PPBC program currently covers 1.99 acres/0.8 hectares. This acreage is divided into three working sites, allowing us to take advantage of different microclimates and environmental services within the Cikananga Wildlife Centre. We practice several techniques designed to improve soil structure, enhance biodiversity, and increase the soil's organic matter content. Here are some of the most common practices:

  • No-Till Farming: Avoiding tillage to prevent soil disturbance. This helps maintain soil structure, conserve moisture, and keep carbon in the soil.

  • Cover Cropping: Planting cover crops to prevent soil erosion, improve soil fertility, and increase biodiversity in the soil ecosystem.

  • Crop Rotation: Rotating different types of crops across fields from one season to the next to improve soil health and reduce pest pressures naturally.

  • Composting: Adding organic matter back into the soil through compost to enhance nutrient content and improve soil structure.

  • No Chemical Inputs: eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to encourage natural soil biology and reduce soil and water contamination.

  • Integrating Livestock: Utilizing animals on the farm to naturally fertilize the land through their manure and to help control weed and pest populations through grazing.

  • Agroforestry Practices: Incorporating trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes to enhance biodiversity, improve soil structure, and provide additional income sources.

The compost building accepts all forms of organic waste produced within the centre, and with a few additional ingredients and time we transform the centres waste into a living soil amendment. The compost is made using the thermophilic composting technique (hot composting), allowing us to create compost within roughly three months.The compost building has had several upgrades since the program began, with the most recent involving the replacement of rotten roof supports, broken roof tiles, an extension, and the inclusion of static aeration pipes. On average, we produce 2,500kg of compost every month. When finished, the compost is bagged up and transported to our various sites where it is incorporated into our production areas along with goat and sheep manure.

Join us towards a regenerative future

We invite you to explore our programs, learn about our practices, and join us in our journey towards a more sustainable and regenerative future. Whether you're a local farmer keen on transitioning to organic practices, an international student passionate about conservation, or a supporter of sustainable agriculture, there's a place for you in the Cikananga Sustainability Farming Program.

In Indonesia we can make a big difference when it comes to reducing the environmental impact and increasing the quality of yields. With this we reach local farmers who want to switch to an organic approach, and we also focus on international students with a passion for nature conservation, or nature conservation organizations that want to enable sustainable agriculture. If you would like to know more about how you can participate, please contact us.

Together, we can grow our knowledge, nurture nature, and foster a vibrant, sustainable world for generations to come.