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Javan Leopard Project

The Javan Leopard is the only remaining large cat species left on the island of Java and is a key species that is vital for a balanced ecosystem. Most likely there are only 319 mature individuals left in the wild (IUCN Redlist) which puts the survival of the decreasing population under great pressure. Therefore we have developed the Javan Leopard Program, the only program for rehabilitation & release of the Javan Leopard in Indonesia.

Javan Leopard Project

The Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas) is listed as Endangered under criteria C2a(i) by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Most likely there are only around 319 individuals left in the wild. The population is decreasing as a result of pet trade, poaching, habitat loss, and fragmentation, but arguably also due to a decline of prey which forces leopards to enter villages to find food.

Over the past years, Cikananga Wildlife Center has been involved in quite some Human-Leopard conflict situations in our region where our rescue team has been pivotal (see pictures below). As a result, multiple Javan Leopards reside in Cikananga, and some have been succesfully realeased back to nature as unique milestones.

Sadly, there are also many cases in which we as a rescue center or other NGO are not involved or are not aware of. These leopards are often killed or end up in the illegal wildlife trade.

Due to our concerns for the future of the Javan Leopard and the increase of leopards–human conflict, but also to prevent more leopards from ending up in long-term captivity and thereby losing important wild behavioral traits and their immense value for survival of the species, we need to perform translocation and release activities.

That is why Wanicare and Cikananga developed the Javan Leopard Release Program. We have created a mitigation plan detailing every step from the leopard-human conflict to release. After years of preparations which included habitat assessments, building of a large rehabilitation enclosure at Cikananga (see picture below), and many more steps, we have been able to reach a unique milestone moments for the Javan Leopard Species.

Groundbreaking developments: Releases of Javan Leopards

In 2022 and 2023 we have released 2 individuals successfully back to the wild after a long rehabilitation period in Cikananga. In the dedicated facilities, and combining many learnings and best practices from other large cat species we have been able to realize releases for the first time for the Javan Leopard.

Although this is only a start for the survival of this unique species, it provides perspectives and important lessons to build out the project. If you want to learn more about this program.

Your help is critical to save the Javan Leopard

Although we have been able to find supporters to help the Javan Leopard Program, we need to acknowledge this program needs many additional steps to protect and safeguard the future of the Javan Leopard. With 319 mature individuals left in the wild (IUCN Redlist) we are always looking for new support and help to realize the release sites, rehabilitation process, facilities, habit assessments, logistics, and so on. Do you want to help? Or is your organization interested in making a difference for this amazing species? Please contact us to learn about the possibilities.

Een Javaanse Luipaard