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Other Conservation Projects

Since 2009 Wanicare has been working on various programs focusing on rehabilitation, release, and other conservation projects, such as habitat protection for the Silvery Gibbon, the Cikananga Gibbon Transit Capacity Building Program, Raptor Release Program, and several other release initiatives for various (endangered) species in Indonesia.

Other Wanicare projects

Next to the projects that you can find in our overview, we have initiated various programs since 2008. Some of these programs were intended to run for a temporary period, other programs are currently waiting for the next steps or renewed support.

The Silvery Gibbon Lengkong Project focuses on local groups of Silvery Gibbons who live in fragmented forests in West Java. The Raptor Release Program supports various native raptor species on the island of Java. With many rescues at the center, new releases, and the realization of additional and large enclosures at the Cikananga Wildlife Center over the past years, today the activities have largely been integrated into the day-to-day activities of the Center.

Next to this, we have run various (temporary) projects for among others Javan Slow Lorries, Cassowaries, and Pangolins. If you are interested in supporting any of the above activities or species or want to know more please reach out to us.