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Support hands-on conservation and wildlife protection

A small organization making a big difference for wildlife. Do you want to help the animals in need?

Dedicated to Wildlife Conservation

Since its founding by Willemijn Eggen in 2009, Wanicare has been dedicated to the protection of wildlife and nature. Our main operations are based at the Cikananga Wildlife Center in West Java, Indonesia, which has grown into a leading sanctuary for rescued wildlife and a center for collaborative conservation initiatives. Beyond Cikananga, we support similar projects and work to educate others about wildlife conservation.

The Cikananga Wildlife Center team spans over 25 individuals, and cares for more than 550 rescued wild animals in total. Here we rescue animals from dire situations such as illegal trade or habitat loss, often in partnership with other organizations and local governments. Cikananga aims to rehabilitate animals both physically and mentally, with the ultimate goal of releasing them back into the wild. Wanicare has been supporting the ongoing development of the center as we continue to develop the daily medical and animal care, create new enclosures, provide enrichment, initiate releases and much more.

Beyond animal care, education is central to our mission. We engage with students and schools in Indonesia and the Netherlands, sharing our knowledge and inspiring the next generation of conservationists. We also continuously strive to improve our organization and raise funds to sustain our efforts.

In a world often driven by personal gain and economic interests, we believe our work is meaningful and impactful. Despite being a small organization, we've achieved significant milestones in the past 15 years, improving the lives of thousands of animals that passed Cikananga, we created entirely unique programs for endangered wildlife like Javan Leopards, and educated many young individuals to make a difference in conservation as well.

If you share our passion for wildlife conservation, we invite you to support us. Don't hesitate to reach out to us, inquire about our projects or leave a donation.

With your support we can help the animals

The Rescue center is a home for hundreds of rescued animals, which requires a lot: Manpower, enclosures, food, logistics, a 15-hectare park, and medical care facilities. Rather uniquely we welcome all wildlife species at the center, which requires specialized knowledge, care, and facilities. Outside of the daily operations Cikananga and Wanicare are also involved in rescue operations, conservation projects, and education programs. With all these activities going on, there is a staff of over 25 persons at the various programs. This can only be realized with the support of generous individuals and organizations. As a small NGO, we always look for support to help the animals in need.

Do you want to help us help the animals in need? And give them the dignity they deserve, and educate future generations? Please consider donating or in other ways don't hesitate to reach out if you want to know how we rescue and rehabilitate wildlife at Cikananga Wildlife Center and run our education programs.

Also if you want to know more about donating, and how donations are spent appropriately and responsibly, we are pleased to tell you more about our organization and activities.

For more information, don't hesitate to contact us through Get in Touch or Donate to help the animals at Cikananga.